About Us

Biosecure Telematics Sdn Bhd With 5 years of combined IT experience in IT field Malaysia and focusing on providing IT solutions for corporate and enterprise clients. BT mastered the skills of understanding business requirements irrespective of the industry they serve. Our clients vary from tiny start-ups to larger corporations who wish to take their business higher.

We’ve helped entrepreneurs secure their data, build effectiveness and productive solution without the needs of extra payout.

Why Choose Us

We provide various Products / Services for your business growth. BT implement your website based on your idea and provide protection services to your website to prevent attack from malware/ cyber security threats.

We focused on providing reliable security, IT product from various brands and always provide our best commercial and support to our customer and partners.

Our staff will contact you after receive enquiry from you and the consultation is FREE!

What We Do

Whoops Tech focus on providing technology solution and services.

  • IT Consulting
  • IT Maintenance & Support
  • System and Storage Backup Solution
  • Network Security & Connectivity
  • Web & Software Design
  • New Facilities Setup
  • Migration Services (email, relocation, installation of new device)

Our Mission

Bring quality IT services and product within businesses or roles to help them achieve the exceptional results they desire.

Our Vision

Strive to enable our clients to have worry-free within IT areas of their business.